February 9, 2016
Sorry I'm a day late in emailing. I was in the hospital yesterday for my companion Elder Davies. And really, I'd been in the hospital since Thursday.
You see, that pain that he had felt that I mentioned in my email last week came back on Thursday morning. And he asked me for another priesthood blessing. But this time, instead of blessing him that the pain would go away, I felt inspired to bless him that we would be able to get him to doctors, that they would be able to find the problem in his stomach causing him such pain, and that they could use their expertise to correct it. And thus it came to pass.
We got him to the doctor where they did an Ultrasound and found gallstones. They hooked him up to an IV and gave him shots into his IV that they said should help him. But the next day they said he needed surgery to remove his gallbladder. So the following day, they did the surgery. The coolest part is that as soon as the surgeon took out his gallbladder he brought it into our room, where I was waiting, and he gave me a glove and let me poke the gallbladder and feel the stones inside. Sweet, no?
So we're going to have to take it a little slow this week as he's still recovering, but I'm happy that atleast he will now not have to feel that pain anymore.
So other than that, not a lot to tell from last week. Luckily I was able to get a lot of study time in at the hospital and I read the book Our Search For Happiness. It's a good book. It just briefly goes over our beliefs in the Church. Something that really stood out to me is how many times the book mentions God´s love for us. Really that is the key principle for all we believe. Because God is our Father and loves us with an infinite, uncomprehensible love, he has restored the fulness of his gospel through Joseph Smith, he has made a glorious eternal plan for our eternal happiness and success, he has given his Son for us to give us an example of how we should live and to save us from physical and spiritual death giving us a path back to our father, and because of God's love, he has given us commandments to bless our lives and keep us safe and happy. Everything is because we are so loved! I testify that God loves each one of you and he loves me! He wants us to share his gospel of love with our brothers and sisters because he loves them too! And so do I. I love it here in Mexico. I love the people here. I love each one of you.
Missions are the best!!! Have a wonderful week!
Elder Jarrett
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